- Spontaneous Combustion Hello?
- Falling Angels I Gotta Get Outta Here
- cd d:\industrial\noise\pollution Move Along
- Falling Angels Obnoxious
- Spontaneous Combustion Like A Wagon Wheel About Crond....
- cd d:\industrial\noise\pollution Na, na, na, na, na *implike grin*
- Spontaneous Combustion Whole Lotta Love
- Yzark Give It Away On A Steady Course
- cd d:\industrial\noise\pollution Webdrones Space Child
- cd d:\industrial\noise\pollution We're Doin' Fine
Finally a Philadelphia Spirit Exchange release that doesn't sound like ninety
minutes of the same track repeating itself over and over. In case you've been
out of it for a while the PSE is a collection of musicians who create free form
music on the fly without having written the lyrics or music before hand and do
as little as final sequencing as possible in an attempt to create an original
sound. The idea falls flat on its face onm the grounds that the artists never
learn from their mistakes and have no hope of evolving within their genre
without having a concrete style to begin with. In the case of this compilation
however there is just enough musical diversity between artists for this concept
to function as it was initially intended. Each artists can display it's own
unique distinguishing features along side other artists who are trying to
create music in similar fashion. My suggestion to the PSE is to produce more
compilations of this nature if you want to continue with the same thematic
musical endeavor which you seem to be so hell bent on maintaining because it
allows the listener to compare and contrast the musical construction technique
among a variety of artists instead of one single minded interpretation.
The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment
P.O. Box 994
Blue Bell, PA 19422
E-mail: webdrone@membrane.com
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