Collide: Beneath The Skin
- Violet's Dance
- Beneath The Skin
- Falling Up
- Deep
- Black
- Strange
- Dreams and Illusions
- Have Faith
- Pandora's Box
- 95&7
- Deep (Christ Analogue remix)
- Beneath The Skin (Subconscious remix by Cevin Key)
Collide are back this time with their debut release on Re-Constriction
Records. I had the pleasure of acquiring their cassette demo release "The
Crimson Trial" a year or so ago and was extremely pleased that they had
successfully shopped their demo to a label. This release is essentially a
remastered version of the original demo with two new songs and two exclusive
remixes by cEVIN Key and Christ Analogue with the added benefit of being on a
CD format. Collide is a unique band in that not only is the duo composed of a
female vocalist and lyricist (Karin) and a male counterpoint who composes all
of the music (Statik) but that they don't seem to be hampered by this
arrangement. Statik is able to compose music which completely compliments
Karin's voice without always having to resort to slow drawn out ballads and
other conventional roles that female vocalists have been pigeon holed by
popular music. Karin may have a lush sensuous voice but when she sings over a
fast past song suited for a club, she is completely able to change tempo as to
not detract from the overall mood of the track. The only thing Collide needs to
watch out for is that they don't end up becoming stuck in a niche role because
of their unique musical position, however I feel confident that it won't become
a problem any time soon if the popularity of this release is any indication.
Collide are:
Karin - vocals, poetry
Statik - noise, sonic matrix assembly
Re-Constriction Records
4901-906 Morena Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92117-3432
E-mail: chase@ttlnet.com,
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