Collide: ..the crimson trial
Side 1
- Violet's Dance
- Deep
- Have Faith
- Black
- Strange
- Dreams and Illusions
- Falling Up
Side 2
- Violet's Dance - vocal mix
- Black - vocal mix
- Falling Up - instrumental chaos mix
- Dreams and Illusions - instrumental dub
There are few industrial bands with female vocalists and even fewer who do it
well. Collide is one of those few. Sounding very much like Siouxsie in places
Tripp's voice creates a distinctive mood with seems to mesh with whatever
particular style of music being played whither it is hardcore industrial dance
to ambient percussion. Her voice alone makes the album, without I feel the music
itself would be a wash not being quite strong enough to instill a vibrance of
life on it's own. However for a duo just starting out working together the music
is incredibly lush and full of life. Tripp and Statik obvious work very well
together and with any luck should go places if their music reaches the right
Collide is:
Tripp 9 - vocals, poetry
Statik - noise, sonic matrix assembly
4470 Sunset Blvd.
Suite 542
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(818) 787-1091
E-mail: noiseplus@aol.com
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