Various Artists: CatScan: 1.0
- Information Society - Sing In Code
- Seven Red Seven - After The Fall
- Dissonance - Desolation
- Vatic[A.N.] - Am I?
- North by Northwest - Refusal
- Constant Havoc - Outside of Love
- Racket Club - Love In Time
- STN - Breakpoint
- The Memory Garden - The End
- Person - Perfect Woman
- Pivot Clowj - Autonomy
- Total Devotion - Lifeline
- Lollipop Guild - My Eyes
- U-N-I - Cruxified
- Bytet - Anything
- Information Society - Fall in Line
This is the second compilation to be released by Control-Alt-Delete the
synth-pop and Information Society fanzine and by far the best. Instead of
primarily focusing on compiling just synth-pop music as on the last CD, the
entire genre of electronic music is exposed. Everything from the unusually
dreamy ambient piece by Information Society, the Cyberpunk track by Vatican,
the pop industrial Bytet, to the electro thundering of STN this compilation
crosses the boundaries that most won't and encompasses all styles of electronic
music. As a result this independent release has received a great deal of
positive press all across the various trade publications as a showcase for new
and upcoming electronic bands as well as using some of the selling power of
bands like Information Society to gain a foothold with the listener. If
electronic music is ever going to see the light of day it will be through the
success of many high quality small label compilations such as this one who will
finally saturate the market so that the consumer can no longer ignore the
pivotal role that electronic music has had upon their lives when they were too
naive to pay attention to the movie soundtracks and eMpTy Vee commercials.
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Houston, TX 77238-8553
E-mail: CADInfo@aol.com
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