Bitter Grace: God and the Abyss
- Beneath the Ocean Black
- Special One
- Sane
- Nothing Here
- Ashes in the Rain
- Precious
- The Very Last Goodbye
- God and the Abyss
- Fever
- Burning Kisses
- Requiem
Bitter Grace rides on two decades of Gothic Rock music without creating any new
tricks. Instead, they use the usual array of ideas that were worn out when
Bauhaus broke up a ten years ago. The male baritone croons, acoustic drum kit,
bass and guitar of straight up Gothic Rock is extremely boring. The only thing
that saves this album from depths of Gothic hell are the handful of almost
Ambient instrumentals interspersed through the record. The tracks are few, far
between and much too short. My suggestion to Bitter Grace is to give up the bad
Sisters of Mercy impersonations and work on the instrumental sections because
they are the only shred of originality on the album.
Bitter Grace is: Gustavo Lapis Ahumad
E-mail: bittrgrace@aol.com
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