Babyland: Who's Sorry Now?
- Lukewarm
- A Slow News Day
- Happy drum
- He Will Not Forgive
- Form 95B
- The Door Northern
- We Don't Know
- Cancer Beat
- Begin Again
MPEG Tracks
- He Will Not Forgive
- Worst Case Scenario
- Dismissal
Babyland is an angry young duo who sing about many of the problems facing the
current generation but for the most part they seem to spend a great deal of
time lamenting about a lost opportunity or the last turmoil filled relationship
they experienced. The music is of rudimentary percussion construction which
would be much better suited for their live show than to be played in the non
participatory exchange of someone's living room. Their music is ripe with the
tepid angst and they've chosen to release all the stress through an aural
medium that lacks a feedback loop. The audience ends up feeling restricted by
the single channel of exchange and much of the message is lost in the
translation. The communication barrier is still retained and the full extent of
the transmission has yet to be decrypted by the information retrieval unit.
This biological processing unit can't even access the 3 MPEG videos contained
as bonus tracks on the album. The liner notes explicitly denote the fact that
they are either Macintosh of IBM compatible accessible but yet neither hardware
unit I've loaded the CD on can read the disk as anything other than a music
only device. So this listener is left without the video channel with which to
make his crib notes and ends up screaming in disgust because he can't purchase
the Cliff Notes version.
Flipside Records
P.O. Box 60790
Pasadena, CA 91116
E-mail: flipside@ix.netcom.com
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