Auschwitz 46: battered, drained, forgotten
- infovein
- terminal 93'
- progress of decay
- neuroagony
- delusion
- a.t.a.p.
Reminiscent of Rabies era Skinny Puppy with a great deal more guitars and
chocked full of stream of consciousness lyrics. Auschwitz 46 is a very
politically oriented band haven chosen it named as a reminder of the Nazi death
camps of WWII and concentration camps are still happening across the world in
such places as Bosnia. The band has also won a recent Texas music competition
over such bands at Numb. A little too heavy on the guitar for my taste almost
bordering on metal except for the fact that most generic metal bands can't
write complete sentences let alone write politically aware lyrics. The
music is due for a little refinement in places as there are a great deal
of choppy rhythms but the EP is fairly respectable for a first release.
Auschwitz 46 are:
Corey Wilson - lyrics, vox
Jason Janssen - sequencing, sampling
Jim Vollentine - sequencing, sampling
Scott Ellis - guitars
Barry Adelman - drums, percussion
Poster Child - tapes, films
46 Brodcastes
P.O. Box 92109
file #228
Austin, TX 78709-2109
(512) 292-0046
E-mail: none
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