Various Artists: The Art of Brutality
- Remyl - Asleep
- din_fiv - Terminal Condition
- Sphere Lazza - Morpheus
- Bubblegum Crisis - Rip
- Xorcist - Be With Me
- Morning Gold Fix - Zap Dub
- Tekachi - Laffchur
- Erzulie ze Rouge - Soulkiller
- Terminal - Black Rain MK II
- Terminal - Refractal
- Diode - Spiral and Helix
- Thine Eyes - Thread
- Pounce Intl. - High Altitude Nosebleed
- Manhole Vortex - Fact
- :wumpscut: - War Combattery 2
- Altruistic Suicide - Numb
- Music For Isolation Tanks - Untitled #3
I have yet to be anything but impressed with anything Arts Industria has
put out. And now with the advent of their first CD release, I have been
totally blown from the water, and more level of respect is absolute for
this company. The compilation they've put together covers all arenas of
the electro/industrial venue. Well known import bands, mixed with small
labels, and unsigned artists, resulting in a miasma of talent and sound.
There is not one track on this CD that I don't absolutely adore. One
interesting side note, several of the bands who did not receive enough
votes for the RMI CD #2 have tracks on this CD, so you might want to
check it out for that reason alone.
Arts Industria
23784 SR 2
South Bend, IN 46619
E-mail: info@artsindustria.com
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