Arcanta: Arcanta
- A Fool's Cry
- Desert Prayer
- Maya
- Via Dolorosa
This debut EP by Arcanta is a magnificent collection of tracks with a singular
focus on male a-capella vocals and a smattering of ambient musical undertones.
Most of the vocal arrangement is performed via chants and ritual evocation in
languages other than English. I'm not exactly sure what language the lyrics are
in but it does seem to be of a ancient classical origin. Musical accompaniment
is used only minimally and only to accentuate sections of the vocal work that
might seem to be weak without the addition of music. The instruments used are
both of natural and man-made origins. Several types of string instruments and
eastern percussion devices are used as well as more common electronic
synthesizers. Overall the entire EP has a very neo-classical feel to it,
mirroring artists such as Dead Can Dance and Eden, yet with it's own unique
origin and context. Definitely a project for fans of a more natural and
mystical approach to musical composition.
Arcanta is: Thomas-Carlyle Ayres, Doug Chamberlin & Monti Medley
Projekt Records
P.O. Box 166155
Chicago, IL 60616
(312) 913-9160
E-mail: questions@projekt.com
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