Android Lust: Resolution
- In The Arms of the Heretic 4:40
- Refuse 6:08
- Heathen 4:31
- Cruelty 4:23
- Suffer The Flesh 5:10
- Spine 4:15
- Visceral Stimulation 5:16
- Used 3:39
- Viscera 4:35
- Heathen (Witch's Hammer) 4:24
- Heathen (A Thousand Thoughts) 4:48
Android Lust is one of the few solo female Electro-Industrial acts in
existence. I personally have never heard of another such project before. What
makes this project so amazing is the overall increase in the quality of the
music since the early demo tapes. "Resolution" has crisp production, constantly
changing vocal effects, intelligent samples, original percussion and well
arranged keyboard sections. Android Lust has the notable distinction of not
sounding like any other act on the market, which is very rare for a debut
album. Lyrically the album could use a little work. Although only half the
tracks contains vocals, those that do all revolve around a common theme of poor
self-esteem, abuse, hatred and other similar topics common to modern Electro
bands. For a debut release to only contain one trouble area speaks highly of
Android Lust. Great things should be expected from this band.
Android Lust is: Shikhee
Tinman Records
P.O. Box 1114
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
E-mail: tinmanaux@aol.com
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