Amber Asylum: The Natural Philosophy of Love
- Cupid 4:09
- Exodus 7:37
- Looking Glass 5:15
- Song of the Spider War 4:46
- Jorinda and Joringel 6:54
- Looking Glasse (reprise) 5:51
- Poppies 7:52
Amber Asylum is quite a departure from most Release Records artists. Instead
of focusing on noise or other experimental techniques for their musical
composition, they instead use all natural instrumentation and vocal tonality.
As a result the music has a very classical and almost gothic nature to it while
remaining free from all digital music influence. This has allowed Amber Asylum
to exhibit the strength of their vocal depth and raw musical talent instead of
relying on technology to do all of the work for them. The closest comparison
that I can come up with for the sound that Amber Asylum exudes is a sort of
mixture of post-Jarboe Swans and the Cranes with a little Rasputina thrown in
for good measure. Amber Asylum should definitely appeal to the old school
gothic audience as well as anyone who appreciates a classical vocal trio.
Amber Asylum is:
Martha Burns - cello
Kris Force - guitar, violin, wah violin, voice
Annabel Lee - violin
Relapse Records
P.O. Box 251
Millersville, PA 17551
E-mail: relapse@relapse.com
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