Alien Faktor: Listen!
- X 16:29
- Jones City 14:27
- Tinnitus 15:32
- Ocean Space (Full) 15:30
- Billy Spercher's Graceland Adventure 3:51
This is the fourth Alien Faktor release with the past several years and it
seems that each such release allows the artist to surprise us more at every
turn. This particular album consists of four longer than normal tracks with
little to no musical structure of any kind. Rather each track is little more
than a loose of a collection of random vocal samples and noise sequenced
together into a single entity. Each track borders heavily on what is typically
called experimental music and stops just short of being labeled as an extreme
noise band. I'm actually rather surprised that Tom didn't record this release
under a separate name simply because it is so different that his other
releases. Regardless, it does serve as a unique indicator in the diverse
musical career that is Alien Faktor.
Alien Faktor is: Tom Muschitz
Decibel Records
615 N. Milwaukee St
Milwaukee WI, 53202
E-mail: decibel@execpc.com
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