4th Sign of the Apocalypse: Lost World Hour
- Dance For Me Thumbalina
- Miss Meh
- On A Slightly Higher Moonbeam Than Death
- Bleeding
- KnickKnack
- Final Flight of the Lark
- Take Me Away
- The Last 7:38 of Your Life
4th Sign of the Apocalypse is a difficult band to pin down to a single genre of
music. 'Dance For Me Thumbalina' is a slow dubby piece with Drum'n'Bass
percussion slowed down to a snails pace. 'Miss Meh' is a subdued Gothic piece
with thick bass, plodding guitar and metallic drums. 'On A Slightly Higher
Moonbeam Than Death' conists of distorted wind patterns, spoken word style
intro vocals, and a subdued ambient background. 'Bleeding' starts out with
typewriter samples that build into a non-standard cadence of guitars, home made
percussion and deep Gothic vocals. As you can see, the first half of the album
treads across more musical territory than most bands see in a lifetime, all
without sounding discordant. "Lost Hour World" is a well executed melange of
styles that reassures me that there is still original music being written.
World Serpent Distribution
Unit 717 Seager Buildings
Brookmill Road, London
SE8 4HL, England
E-mail: mailorder@worldserpent.demon.co.uk
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