16 Volt: Skin
- Skin 3:17
- Perfectly Fake 5:10
- Uplift 3:51
- Slow Wreck 4:45
- Skin Graft 2:41
- Stitched 4:45
- Built To Last 2:59
- Bottle Rockets 3:51
- Downtime II 4:20
- Flick 3:24
Eric Powell has received a great deal of criticism for sheer volume of guitar
present on this album after the minimal usage on 'Wisdom' but I feel that
perhaps those complaints are unjustified. Eric has been able to mesh samples,
harsh electronics, guitars and his vocals together to create an drastically
different sound than others in his genre who are trying to do the same thing
and failing miserably. Many of 16 Volt's contemporaries try to mesh guitar with
minimal electronics and end up sounding like a bad hard rock band with
electronic backing. 16 Volt having come from a more electronic background on
their first release have utilized the guitar work to accentuate the music as
opposed to detracting from the electronics and overpowering them. 16 Volt is
the only other band besides Front Line Assembly who has successfully used
guitars as the primary element of percussion in some of their music, a feat I
only hope others can learn from. If you haven't had the indulgence of listening
to an extraordinarily mixture of guitar work and electronics then take a walk
to your local music store and demand of copy of 16 Volt's 'Skin', as you won't
be let down.
16 Volt is:
Eric Powell - vocals, sampling, programming, synths, additional bass
Von Vinhasa - drums, programming, percussion
Jeff Taylor - guitars, sampling, additional bass
Re-Constriction Records
4901-906 Morena Blvd
San Diego, CA 92117-3432
(619) 483-9292
Fax: (619) 483-7414
E-mail: chase@ttlnet.com
[Music Reviews]
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