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Saturday - 10/9/99 - 10pm/12am

JLIATA long drone like pieceA long drone like piece
Ultra MilkmaidsOrionActi-Room 10"
Mick HarrisSoundcoatHed Nod Sessions 01 12"
MuslimgauzeDrugsherpa (excerpt)Drugsherpa 3"
VrombElectro 01Perimetre 3"
AtroxEarthman (Progress 34 Mix)Contact
SnogMind and PurposeThird Mall From the Sun
Deathride 69Burning InsideWish You Were Queer
Das IchGoettes Tod (And One Remix)Re_Laborat
Individual TotemSubsistenceMind Sculptures Flesh
Carbon 12ParasiteVery Harsh Frequencies
Aghast ViewTruthlike (Rapture Mix)Truthead
CoilThe Dreamer is Still AsleepMusick to Play in the Dark
KismetWeavingNorth Atlantic Balkan Express
Thine EyesCollapsiraffeTiki (Live)
This Mornin' OminaThe Fifth Incarnation of VishnuNezera Enti Sebouen Nete Xertet
H.P.P.Headbandge WomanExoskeleton II
Shinjuku FilthTrismusZero
TumorCome to DaddySeelenfresser
Somatic ReflexUcircumflexRevulva 12"
P*A*LStereowebPlat at 2:00AM 12"

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