Artist | Track | Album |
Aube | Invisible Red | Embers |
Nightmare Lodge | Orlok's Dead | Nosferatu 7" |
Synapscape | Inner Strategy | Remix Item 10" |
Pan Sonic | Tela | Vakio |
Muslimgauze | Panorama | Sonar vs Muslimgauze |
Holocaust Theory | Cig | Inception of Eradication |
Orphx | Tela | Fragmentation |
Stin Scatzor | Let Me Rot | Industronic |
Noisex | Biohazard | Ignarrogance |
Babyland | Form 95B | Vs. Kryptonite Nixon 8" |
Hoodlum Priest | Addicts | Hoodlum Priest |
Meat Beat Manifesto | Oblivion/Humans | Actual Sounds & Voices |
Meat Beat Manifesto | Asbestos Lead Asbestos | Asbestos Lead Asbestos |
Subversion | Will | The Winds of War |
Tori Amos | Raspberry Swirl | From the Choirgirl Hotel |
Urania | Zero Becomes One | Aquarius |
The Razor Skyline | Stranglehold | Journal of Trauma |
Siouxsie | Silver Waterfalls | Superstition |
London After Midnight | Psycho Magnet | Psycho Magnet |
Nocturne | Collide | Undercurrent |
Bethany Curve | Movement | Gold |
October Project | Take Me As I Am | October Project |
Soul Whirling Somewhere | The Safety in Overglorifying The Past | Hope Was |
Spindle Shanks | Clever | Spindle Shanks |