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Saturday - 01/29/2000 - 11pm/1am

OrbitalThe Box (4)The Box
RecoilStalkerUnsound Methods
VNV NationSerial KillerCyber-Tec America
Assemblage 23AnthemContempt
VaticanAm I?Infocalypse
Flesh FieldHereticViral Extinction
TakshakaInphogeist20 Minutes into the Future
Proyecto MirageOnda VitalProyecto Mirage
Black LungHegelian Technocratic TrystThe Great Architect
TumorSecret ExperimentsNeues Fleisch - Operation 2
Mlada FrontaNewsHigh Tension
Mika Vainio20' to 200020' to 2000
Wolfgang VoightGas Im20' to 2000
ElphZwolf20' to 2000

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