Tinfed: Hypersonic Hyperphonic
- Thinwall Turmoil
- Whatever
- Wait Suspension
- Dis-Jointed
- Insulin
- Elliv Noir Am
- Doubtless
- Unfamiliar
- Dis-Jungle
While technically not an industrial project by any stretch of the imagination,
Tinfed is one of the many guitar crossover projects with heavy Punk roots
picked up by Re-Constriction in the past few years. The use of electronics is
kept to a bare minimum with most of the sequencing and keyboard rhythms
restricted to the header and trailer of each track. The remainder of the music
is a modern rock quartet who fit the current trend of alternata-pop bands all
too well. Tinfed is one of those bands who would fit perfectly on tour with the
likes of God Lives Underwater, Stabbing Westward, Filter & Gravity Kills which
means they should do rather well with the current crossover audience. Tinfed
only strays from this model on a single track located rather conspicuously at
the end of the EP. The track aptly titled 'Dis-Jungle', is exactly what it
sounds like, a jungle version of the 'Dis-Jointed' track. However, the track is
so much of a departure from the rest of the EP that one would be hard pressed to
say it was performed by the same band if one didn't know any better.
Tinfed is:
Rey Osburn - voice, guitar, programming
Eric Stenman - guitar, programming
Nick Dickerson - bass
Matthew - beats, deprogramming
Re-Constriction Records
4901-906 Morena Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92117-3432
E-mail: chase@ttlnet.com
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