SMP: Stalemate
- Pure Uncut Anger
- Drug Czar
- 451
- Alcohol Part One
- Lethal Weapon
- Clementine
- Scarlet Letter Part One
- Scarlet Letter Part Two
- Cops
- 1999
- Backwards
- Homeless
- Punch
- We've Got A Problem
- Christmas At The Pub
Having acquired a copy of SMP's "Stalemate" cassette several years ago I was
hoping for more of the same angst filled hip-hop style industrial that they
seemed to do so well and I wasn't disappointed. The debut album contains all
of the original songs from the six song "Stalemate" cassette plus a cornucopia
of new material. The political happenstance mixed with pounding house beats
and grinding percussion created by SMP has always appealed to me. They remind
me a great deal of PWEI might have become if they had continued along the same
guitar avenue as their second album. The rap style lyrics coupled with the more
traditional metal industrial hybrid and hip-hop beats are amongst the absolute
best I've heard in their paradigm. Albeit the number of musicians that try to
create music with this radical mixing of styles are few and far between SMP
outshine their brethren with a practiced ease.
are: Sean Setterberg & Jason Bazinet
Re-Constriction Records
4901-906 Morena Blvd
San Diego, CA 92117-3432
(619) 483-9292
Fax: (619) 483-7414
E-mail: chase@ttlnet.com
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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