Rivet Head Culture
- Non-Aggression Pact - Wicked Painted Sun
- Death Method - Mein Klein Engel
- Little Guilt Shrine - Satellite Thought (Taken Out Life)
- Recliner - Nose Dive
- Stash Krohl - Perversion (of the Truth)
- Hate Dept - More Like Me
- Chemlab - Neurozone
- Raw Dog - Raw Dog
- Pain Emission - Selfish
- Society Burning - Party Girl
- Out Out - Admire the Question (Naive Mix
- Blue Eyed Christ - Progression
- STG - Televangelism (Drive-By Judas Mix)
- Scar Tissue - Cold (Insight)
- A-Politiq - Black Box
- M.A.S. - Send Me To Heaven
- Crocodile Shop - Growing Stronger
- They Killed Fritz - Whitley Park
- Fleshhouse - Santa in Flames
A little known secret for all you Skinny Puppy fans out there but this
compilation contains an offshoot one track project aptly titled Raw Dog where
Ogre actually has intelligible vocals throughout the entire album. However
don't just buy this CD just for its completist value but also take a serious
listen to many of the recently signed and still unsigned bands as well. Chase
has done the entire industrial music industry a huge favor by digging through
the mountains of demo tapes he receives for some of the best unsigned talent in
the industry. It amazes me that bands like A-Politiq, Death Method & M.A.S.
still remain hidden from record labels. It's compilation like these that get
these small bands airplay and exposure to eventually get an album out on a
respectable label. So go out and support the struggling industrial artist and
have a listen to this and other If It Moves... industrial compilations.
Re-Constriction Records
4901-906 Morena Blvd
San Diego, CA 92117-3432
E-mail: chase@ttlnet.com
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