Lab Report: Excision
- In The Beginning
- Suction
- Techtonic Plate Shift
- Another Psychosis
- Fig. Q75
- Shoot and/or Defenstrate
- Christ Playing with Tops
- The Beginning Reinterpretated
- Geeks Choose to Work in the Carnival
Lab Report return after a several year hiatus with their first release since
Eric Pounder left the project to pursue both solo and collaborative efforts.
Yet the loss of Eric as a contributing member seems to have no effect on the
musical directions of the project. The Anti-Tank Guitar is still ever present
as are the bowel movement inducing tones that have made Lab Report more of an
acoustic terrorist movement than a band since their inception. The thing that
has always me astounded me about Lab Report is that the majority of the
elements used in the composition of their music are stringed instruments. While
most pure 'Industrial' artists have forsaken the six string demon for samplers
and keyboards, Lab Report continues to use guitars as well as a myriad of
hand-made stringed instruments in the core of their music. The end result is a
varying array of acoustic barrages that are both pleasing to the ear and
nauseating to the rest of the human body. When played on an excellent stereo
system, you almost feel the flow of the notes more than hear them, making Lab
Report akin to a natural disaster and it's tonal potency.
Lab Report is: Matthew Schlutz & Derek Frederickson
Lab Report
PO Box 578177
Chicago, IL 60657
E-mail: mattschultz@dls.net
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