Diatribe: Diatribe
- Sick The Dogs 4:17
- Junkyard 4:48
- Four Fifty One 4:40
- Land's End 5:14
- Another Time 4:15
- The Son 3:35
- Web 4:01
- Sister 4:25
- The Other Side 4:26
- Freaks 4:15
Just when you thought it was going to be hopeless to ever find a full length
Diatribe album, Chase manages to surprise us all. That's right, Diatribe is
back again on the Re-Constriction roster after a several year misunderstanding
that almost resulted in legal action. Lawsuits aside, the band hasn't spent the
past few years doing nothing. Albeit, only writing a handful of new tracks
since the first studio session isn't that impressive all things considered but
just wait until you hear the album for yourself. This album has the potential,
if marketed right, to blow the lid off the entire crossover industrial scene.
All of the elements are present; ballads, club tracks, industrial rock staples,
and a lyricist who can sound like Sting one minute and Daniel Ash the next.
Mark my words, Diatribe is a band to watch carefully as someone who has the
best chance to kick MTV in the ass and going screaming into the mainstream. Of
course we can only hope that it won't go to their heads like it did once
Diatribe are:
Marc Jameson - vocals, keyboards, programming & drums
Phil Biagini - guitars
Kevin Marburg - bass & sequencing
Pat Toves - guitar
Re-Constriction Records
4901-906Morena Blvd
San Diego, CA 92117-3432
E-mail: chase@ttlnet.com
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