Birmingham 6: Error of Judgement
- The Kill 4:26
- Summertime Is Over 5:34
- The Deadliest Beat 5:54
- Little Daemon 5:20
- You Cannot Walk Here 5:14
- Food For Thoughts 5:07
- The Garden 6:04
- One Of These Days 5:47
- Die For Jehovah 4:43
- The Scream 5:39
- The Trip 6:05
- A Good Day 5:59
Birmingham 6 return with their first new album since their 1995 debut on
Cleopatra Records. This time not only have the driven to create a whole new
sound for themselves, they have also acquired Jean-Luc De Meyer of Front 242
for all of the vocal work. Anyone who has been forced to settle with mediocrity
of side projects like Cyber-Tec & Cobalt 60 will be instantly be pleased with
this new album. If one didn't know better, you could almost swear this was a
brand spanking new 242 album. Although the liner notes don't suggest it,
Jean-Luc must have had something to do with the musical composition on this
album. The entire release, instead of being a logical progression of the last
Birmingham 6 record has germinated into the next extension Front 242. At this
point, I'd normally be bitching up a storm about such a blatant musical
influence but this album is so ear catching that all I can do is listen in awe
and hope that it won't end.
Birmingham 6 are:
Kim Lohde Peterson
Michael Hillerup
Featuring Jean-Luc De Meyer on vocals
Cleopatra Records
8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd
Suite D82
Los Angeles, CA 90045
E-mail: cleopatra@tunanet.com
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